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Unix Question Bank / FAQs
This is a mock Exam for the Unix programmers. It is created by Genesis InSoft Limited ( and may be freely distributed so long as it is unmodified. Please email us if you have any corrections or comments.
Question 1

All Unix commands

  1. Must be in lower case
  2. Must be in upper case
  3. Must be in mixed case letters
  4. All of the above

Answer to Question 1

Question 2

Unix operating system cannot run on which of the following Microprocessor?

  1. 8086
  2. 80286
  3. 80386
  4. Pentium

Answer to Question 2

Question 3

Unix is

  1. Single user
  2. Multi-user
  3. Multitasking operating system
  4. Both B and C

Answer to Question 3

Question 4

Which command is used for searching a given pattern in a file?

  1. Lookup
  2. Grep
  3. Find
  4. Search

Answer to Question 4

Question 5

In which language Unix is written

  1. Perl language
  2. C language
  3. Pascal language
  4. None of the above

Answer to Question 5

Question 6

Which of the following is a filter command?

  1. ls
  2. who
  3. cat
  4. find

Answer to Question 6

Question 7

The bin directory contains

  1. Binary files
  2. Executable files for most of the Unix commands
  3. General application files
  4. None of the above

Answer to Question 7

Question 8

Directory /dev contains

  1. user related files
  2. device related files
  3. command file
  4. temporary files

Answer to Question 8

Question 9

Which of the following is true above Unix File System?

  1. It has a hierarchical file structure
  2. Files have access permissions
  3. All devices are implemented as files
  4. All of the above

Answer to Question 9

Question 10

By default what are permissions given to the user when a file is created

  1. read
  2. write
  3. read and write
  4. None of the above

Answer to Question 10

Question 11

Which of the following can be used for creating a file

  1. touch
  2. cat
  3. vi
  4. All of the above

Answer to Question 11

Question 12

Identify the false statement about 'ln'

  1. When a file has two links, it is not physically present at two places, but can be referred by either of the names
  2. When a file has two links, it is physically present at two places, but can be referred by either of the names
  3. By default a file has one link
  4. By default a directory has two links

Answer to Question 12

Question 13

The existing permissions of file can be changed by

  1. The super user
  2. The owner or group
  3. Others
  4. All of the above

Answer to Question 13

Question 14

The exit status of Grep if it fails to find a match

  1. false
  2. true
  3. null
  4. None of the above

Answer to Question 14

Question 15

Shell recognizes three types of commands

  1. external commands
  2. shell scripts
  3. internal commands
  4. All of the above

Answer to Question 15

Question 16

Choose the correct option to create file "middle" consisting of keyword input sandwiched between the contents of two files start and end

  1. Cat start end - > middle
  2. Cat start - end < middle
  3. Cat start end - < middle
  4. Cat start - end > middle

Answer to Question 16

Question 17

The correct way to send date and contents of file called "results" to file "final" is

  1. date ; cat results > final
  2. date | cat results > final
  3. (date ; cat results) > final
  4. (date, cat results) > final

Answer to Question 17

Question 18

cp first second 2 > msg

  1. Errors are stored in file msg
  2. Syntax error
  3. Error message is printed on screen
  4. Contents of first and second are stored in msg

Answer to Question 18

Question 19

To merge the standard error into the standard output

  1. 1 > &2
  2. 2 > &1
  3. 1& > 2
  4. 2 & > 1

Answer to Question 19

Question 20

To compile demo.c and run, we can use

  1. cc demo.c ; a.out
  2. cc demo.c ; demo.exe
  3. cc -c demo.c ; a.out
  4. Both A and B

Answer to Question 20


Answer 1 - A

Back to question 1

Answer 2 - A

Back to question 2

Answer 3 -  D

Back to question 3

Answer 4 - B

Back to question 4

Answer 5 - B

Back to question 5

Answer 6 - C

Back to question 6

Answer 7 - B

Back to question 7

Answer 8 - B

Back to question 8

Answer 9 - D

Back to question 9

Answer 10 - C

Back to question 10

Answer 11 - C

Back to question 11

Answer 12 - B

Back to question 12

Answer 13 - B

Back to question 13

Answer 14 - A

Back to question 14

Answer 15 - D

Back to question 15

Answer 16 - D

Back to question 16

Answer 17 - C

Back to question 17

Answer 18 - A

Back to question 18

Answer 19 - B

Back to question 19

Answer 20 - A

Back to question 20

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