This is a mock Exam for the VC++ programmers. It is created by Genesis InSoft Limited ( and may be freely distributed so long as it is unmodified. Please email us if you have any corrections or comments. The base class of CPaintDC class is
A CPaintDC object can only be used when responding to which of the following message?
Which function retrieves the device context (DC) for the entire window, including title bar, menus, and scroll bars.
RegisterClass function takes a pointer to the following structure?
Which class performs a CWnd::BeginPaint at construction time and CWnd::EndPaint at destruction time.
Which data members are defined in CWinApp class?
Which member function can we override in an application to provide a customized message loop?
What is the initial value of nCmdShow of AfxWinMain?
Which function displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location?
Which function clears all the contents of the list box or combo box?
Which function of edit control allows you to set the password character?
Which function retrieves the check state of a button control?
Which scrollbar function allows you to set the page size?
Which member function of CProgressCtrl advances the current position by the step increment?
The base class of CDocument is?
Which function sets a flag indicating that you have modified the document since it was last saved?
Which functions returns the document associated with the view?
Which of the following statement is wrong?
What is the base class of CFileDialog?
Which member function returns the full path of the selected file of CFileDialog?
AnswersAnswer 1 - CAnswer 2 - DAnswer 3 - CAnswer 4 - BAnswer 5 - AAnswer 6 - DAnswer 7 - BAnswer 8 - DAnswer 9 - BAnswer 10 - CAnswer 11 - DAnswer 12 - BAnswer 13 - DAnswer 14 - CAnswer 15 - AAnswer 16 - CAnswer 17 - BAnswer 18 - BAnswer 19 - CAnswer 20 - A |